Here at the Newark Water Association, we have a mission of “Saving lives one water bottle at a time.” Over the past few years, Newark has been suffering a Lead Water Crisis, similar to the crisis that occurred in Flint Michigan back in 2014. There are children, pregnant women, families, youth sports programs, and schools that do not have access to clean water. Lead in water can be extremely dangerous and there are effects such as serious, irreversible damage to developing brains and nervous systems, fertility issues, cardiovascular and kidney problems, cognitive dysfunction, and elevated blood pressure. Every sip of lead-contaminated water takes days off one’s life. I have founded the Newark Water Association to support those most in need and help the people of Newark by giving them free, clean water. As we all know the access to clean water is a human right yet over 2 million people in our own country do not have access to clean water. Newark is not the only city facing this crisis and more are yet to come. Old American cities were built with lead pipes. It wasn’t until 1986 when lead pipes were banned from being constructed. The deteriorating lead pipes in these cities are up to 100 years old and as time goes on this nation will need a ton of support from organizations such as mine.
Vin Henrich
Founder and CEO of Newark Water Association