Our Projects

August 17th, 2020: Brick City Lions Donation

On this day the Newark Water Association was born. With the help of Gallagher Financial Services Inc., NJIT, and the City of Newark we were able to donate 38,400 bottles of water to Newark’s powerhouse football organization Brick City Lions.

October 16th, 2020: Daycare and Church Donation

Rain or shine! Our second event had us working like we never imagined. With the help of Seton Hall Prep Seniors and Essex County, we were able to give 1,000 bottles of water each to 25 different daycare centers across Newark. Afterward, we donated the rest of our water to Catholic Charities, Saint Johns, New Community, and Saint Marys.

December 22nd, 2020: Police Outreach Donation

We come together. We wanted our last event of the year to be the most impactful. By partnering with The Essex County Sheriff’s Office we were able to hold a Food and Water Drive for the people of Newark. This event strengthened community relationships during the holiday season and helped us hit our goal of donating 115,000 bottles of water since we started up.